Worth reading

Wyjaśnienie dlaczego ruskie tanki stoją. Tekst z listopada zeszłego roku.

2 polubienia

Będzie czytane, coś co u mnie jest ostatnio bardzo na czasie :disappointed:

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1 polubienie


masz w tytule :smiley:

2 polubienia

some depressive symptoms can be a functional response to problems in the environment, leading us to pay appropriate attention and come up with solutions. In other words, when we are sad about something, we may be more likely to fix it. Psychologists call this the “analytical rumination hypothesis,”

The literature on substance use suggests that this is so: In some people, very high degrees of positive emotion have been connected to dangerous behaviors such as alcohol and drug use and binge eating.

fear of failure is positively correlated with meaning derived from romance, friendship, and (to a lesser extent) family. When I talk with people about their fear of negative outcomes in life, their true source of fear in many cases centers on how they will feel about having failed, not about the consequences of the failure itself. This is similar to the way discomfort with uncertainty causes more anxiety than guaranteed bad news. To avoid these bad feelings, people give up all kinds of opportunities that involve the possibility of failure.

Unmitigated happiness is impossible to achieve (in this mortal coil at least), and chasing it can be dangerous and deleterious to our success. But more important, doing so sacrifices many of the elements of a good life. As Paul Bloom, a psychologist and the author of The Sweet Spot: The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning , has written, “It is the suffering that we choose that affords the most opportunity for pleasure, meaning, and personal growth.”

So though suffering should never be anyone’s goal, each of us can strive for a rich life in which we not only seek the sunshine but fully experience the rain that inevitably falls as well.

2 polubienia

EDIT: bardzo mnie to poruszyło bo sam często o tym myśle

4 polubienia
4 polubienia

Świetny wątek na reddicie mierzący się z różnicami pokoleniowymi w odbiorze/tworzeniu memów (Boomerzy, Millenialsi, GenZ) i ogólnie o tym, co nas bawi.

Wołam @6ghost9, bo na pewno będzie zainteresowany.

5 polubień

świetny wątek i w ogóle doskonały subreddit

o ile dotąd trafiałem na dziwne memy i myślałem, że tylko okazjonalnie jakiegoś nie rozumiem, tak wychodzi na to, że ktoś to już sklasyfikował i niezrozumiały jest dla mnie prawie cały Gen Z humor :stuck_out_tongue:

3 polubienia

swietny watek, teraz juz wiem czemu niektore wasze memy mnie nie smiesza albo wrecz ich nie rozumiem (powiedzmy ze tak 30% - np najnowszy mem z sandalem)

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Ten z sandałem jest trochę międzygeneracyjny (millenialsko-boomerski), a odnosi się do Marvela/MCU, więc jeżeli nie oglądasz to dlatego możesz nie znać kontekstu

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3 polubienia